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Living with Psoriasis

If you have psoriasis, the whole point is to keep it far away from defining you. With our years of treatment experience, we can tell you how.

Using Phototherapy to Treat Psoriasis

Because protecting our skin from the harmful effects of sun exposure is a basic part of well-being, why can phototherapy be so effective for treating psoriasis?

Effectively Treating Psoriasis with an Excimer Laser

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that advances the growth cycle of skin cells, resulting in painful and unsightly patches of inflamed, dry, and irritated skin. Common symptoms of psoriasis include itching, burning, soreness, and the formation of rough, scaly […]


Psoriasis is a common, chronic skin condition that can lead to lasting damage and potential disfigurement. Caused by a disorder in the body’s autoimmune system, psoriasis typically causes the skin to turn red and scaly, resulting in discomfort and irritation. […]

10 Skin Care Secrets For Healthier Lookin Skin

Apply sunscreen every day before you go outdoors. Sunscreen is the closest thing we have to a fountain of youth. It really can slow down skin aging. It can also help prevent skin cancer. Look for a sunscreen that offers […]

Getting to the Root of the Problem: Hair Loss and Thinning

August marks Hair Loss Awareness month, which draws attention to a common dermatological issue that affects 1.5 billion men and women around the world. The American Academy of Dermatology estimates that 30 million women and 50 million men in the […]

Treat Acne from the Inside Out

Anyone who has ever had acne knows that it’s more than skin deep – serious skin conditions and acne alike can have both mental and emotional effects. So, it would stand to reason that there is a direct link between […]

The Magic of Vivace’s Red/Blue Light Therapy

Vivace now offers a process of red/blue light therapy. That’s good news for practically anyone seeking a more youthful, authentic appearance – a look that matches their outlook.

Today’s Hottest Anti-Aging Supplement Revealed

As we progress through life, our bodies gradually become less efficient at dealing with the factors that negatively impact our health and appearance. Fundamental components such as collagen, elastin, and muscle tissue begin to deteriorate over time, causing our skin […]

Tips for Avoiding Dry, Cracked, and Irritated Skin

Winter is officially upon us, bringing with it the dry weather, bitter winds, and host of other issues that threaten to harm our skin. To safeguard against these issues, it is important we arm ourselves with the information needed to […]