February 27, 2023
Sunburns appear around 4 to 24 hours after exposure. The affected skin is red and may be painful or blistered. Further exposure should be avoided for a few days. Cool water or milk soaks may help soothe. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen […]
February 27, 2023
It’s simple: Don’t use a tanning bed — ever. Indoor tanning (even one time) raises the risk of all kinds of skin cancer, including melanoma. In fact, using a tanning bed before age 35 increases your risk of melanoma by […]
February 27, 2023
While glass blocks UVB rays pretty well, it allows UVA rays to pass through. This is true of your windows at home as well as on the road. When you’re in your car, protect yourself with hats, clothing, sunglasses, sunscreen.
February 27, 2023
Whether it’s a sport spray, an easy-to-use stick or a rich moisturizer, the best sunscreen is the one you will use every day. “Broad Spectrum” indicates that the sunscreen protects against UVA & UVB rays. While sunscreens can’t claim to […]
February 27, 2023
When outside, think of shade as your refuge, especially between 10 AM and 4 PM, the peak hours of sun intensity. Walk on the shady side of the street, sit below an umbrella, duck under an awning or even a tree. Of […]
February 27, 2023
Clothing can provide a great barrier against the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. Its protection is consistent over time and doesn’t wear off like sunscreen does. Many new fabrics offer high-tech protection and breathability, too. Look for UPF, which stands for […]