Sun Damage
Sun gives off ultraviolet (UV) light that damages your skin and causes sunburn. Over time, these rays can lead to wrinkles, dark spots, and other problem areas. The result: You can add years to your looks. Research shows that UV exposure is the reason behind 80% of your skin’s aging. Fortunately, experts are shedding light on ways you can reverse some problems caused by the sun. It’s not possible to erase all of the damage, but there are some steps you can take for these common conditions, including some
Lasers and Light Therapies.
Sunburns happen when there’s damage to the DNA in your skin cells. By the time your skin turns pink and painful, most of the harm is already done. Over time, these injuries add up and lead to physical changes like wrinkles and skin cancer. While there are plenty of things you can do to ease the pain, there are only a few ways you can counteract the damage before it’s there for good. Wear
sunscreen – and reapply every 2 hours – and try to stick to the shade. You’ll protect yourself from future UV radiation and give your skin’s enzymes time to repair some of the damaged DNA.